Palavras a reter:
- challenge (desafio)
- weakness (fraqueza)
- strengths (força)
- experience
- skills (habilidades)
- résume (Curriculum Vitae)
- job
Possíveis perguntas:
- Why did you leave your previous job?(Por que deixou o último emprego?) Answer: I haven’t left my old job yet, but I feel that after graduation, especially this year, I need to find a job that gives me more responsibility and new challenges. […]
- What do you think your strengths and weaknesses are?(Quais são as suas forças e fraquezas?) Answer: I like to take the initiative, to work as part of a team, especially exchanging ideas, I really like that. My weakness is that sometimes I take on the jobs of the other colleagues without contesting it. As you know, it happened a lot of times at the University and in my current job too…
- What experience do you have which you think is relevant for this job?(Qual é sua experiência e como acha que ela será relevante para este emprego?) Answer: I’ve created new innovative techniques and new approaches to solving problems, as you can see in my resumé. Actually, I really did it all the time, as a […]; I’ve never had the same problem twice; they each have their own peculiarities. The other experience that I can transfer to this job is the control of processes and projects. By the way, I think that this position is very suitable for my professional growth, because it will allow me to use both, my […] skills and my […] skills.
- Where do you see yourself in five years time? (Como se vê daqui a cinco anos?) Answer: I’d like to be working on international projects, and use my English language skills.
- Why should I hire you?
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